- Fajr: 04:38 AM
- Dhuhr: 12:27 PM
- Asr: 03:55 PM
- Maghrib: 06:53 PM
- Isha: 08:23 PM
For the Hanafi school of thought, the Fajr time may vary slightly. It’s recommended to check with your local mosque or Islamic authority for the exact times, especially for the Juma prayer, which can have a different time than the regular Dhuhr prayer.
In Mussafah, the prayer times are generally similar but can differ by a few minutes:
- Fajr: 04:39 AM
- Dhuhr: 12:25 PM
- Asr: 03:53 PM
- Maghrib: 06:50 PM
- Isha: 08:20 PM
Please note that prayer times can vary depending on the calculation method used and slight differences in geographical location within the city. For the most accurate information, refer to the local prayer time tables provided by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowments (Awqaf). For Juma prayer times, contacting the mosque directly is best as they may have specific timings for the Friday sermon and prayer.