prayer time ajman
prayer time ajman

Prayer Time Ajman : Today Azan/Namaz Offline

  1. What are the prayer times today in Ajman? The prayer times today in Ajman are as follows: Fajr at 4:16 AM, Sunrise at 5:42 AM, Dhuhr at 12:25 PM, Asr at 3:52 PM, Maghrib at 7:07 PM, and Isha at 8:37 PM. These timings are based on the Umm Al-Qura calculation method, which is used by the UAE government.
  2. When is the Juma prayer time in Ajman today? The Juma prayer time in Ajman today is at 12:25 PM, which is the same as the Dhuhr prayer time. Juma prayer is performed in congregation every Friday instead of Dhuhr prayer. It is obligatory for every Muslim man and women are also allowed to participate in it.
  3. How can I find the prayer time in Ajman according to the Khaleej Times? You can find the prayer time in Ajman according to the Khaleej Times by visiting their website and clicking on the “Prayer Times” tab. You can also download their app for Android or iOS devices and get the prayer times on your phone.
  4. What is the Fajr time in Ajman and how can I wake up for it? The Fajr time in Ajman is at 4:16 AM, which is before the sunrise. Fajr is the first and most important prayer of the day, and it is recommended to wake up for it and perform it as soon as possible. You can use an alarm clock, a prayer app, or a friend to help you wake up for Fajr.
  5. Where can I perform the Eid prayer in Ajman and what is the time for it? You can perform the Eid prayer in Ajman at any of the mosques or Eid musallas (open prayer grounds) that are designated for it. The Eid prayer is usually performed about 15 to 20 minutes after the sunrise, which is around 6:00 AM in Ajman. The exact time and location of the Eid prayer may vary depending on the moon sighting and the announcement by the authorities.
  6. What is the Isha prayer time in Ajman and how can I perform it? The Isha prayer time in Ajman is at 8:37 PM, which is the last prayer of the day. Isha prayer consists of four rakats (units) of fard (obligatory) prayer, followed by two rakats of sunnah (recommended) prayer, and three rakats of witr (optional) prayer. You can perform the Isha prayer at home or at the mosque, preferably in congregation.
  7. How can I find the Hanafi prayer time in Ajman and what is the difference from the other methods? You can find the Hanafi prayer time in Ajman by using a prayer app or a website that allows you to choose the Hanafi calculation method. The Hanafi method is one of the four major schools of Islamic jurisprudence, and it differs from the other methods in some aspects, such as the start and end time of Asr prayer, the angle of Fajr and Isha prayer, and the number of rakats for some prayers.
  8. When is the Eid Al Adha prayer time in Ajman and what are the rituals of this festival? The Eid Al Adha prayer time in Ajman is the same as the Eid Al Fitr prayer time, which is about 15 to 20 minutes after the sunrise, around 6:00 AM. Eid Al Adha is the festival of sacrifice, which commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to sacrifice his son Ismail (peace be upon him) for the sake of Allah. The rituals of this festival include offering the Eid prayer, slaughtering an animal (such as a sheep, goat, cow, or camel), distributing the meat to the poor and needy, and celebrating with family and friends.
  9. How can I adjust the prayer time in Ajman for daylight saving time or high latitude locations? You can adjust the prayer time in Ajman for daylight saving time or high latitude locations by using a prayer app or a website that allows you to customize the settings according to your preference. You can choose from different calculation methods, angles, juristic methods, and high latitude rules to get the most accurate prayer time for your location.
  10. What are the benefits of praying on time in Ajman and how can I make it a habit? Praying on time in Ajman has many benefits, such as fulfilling the command of Allah, attaining His mercy and forgiveness, purifying the soul, strengthening the faith, increasing the reward, avoiding the punishment, and connecting with the Muslim community. You can make praying on time a habit by setting reminders, planning your schedule, seeking Allah’s help, and motivating yourself with the virtues of prayer.
  11. How can I learn the correct way of performing the prayer in Ajman and what are the common mistakes to avoid? You can learn the correct way of performing the prayer in Ajman by following the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah (the teachings and practices of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him), and by seeking the help of a knowledgeable and trustworthy person, such as an imam, a scholar, or a teacher. Some of the common mistakes to avoid in prayer are: not having the proper intention, not facing the qibla (the direction of the Kaaba in Makkah), not covering the awrah (the parts of the body that must be covered), not performing the ablution (the ritual washing) properly, not reciting the surahs (chapters of the Quran) and the supplications correctly, not maintaining the proper posture and movements, not observing the proper order and sequence, and not paying attention and concentration.
  12. What are the recommended acts and supplications before, during, and after the prayer in Ajman and where can I find them? Some of the recommended acts and supplications before, during, and after the prayer in Ajman are: making the adhan (the call to prayer) and the iqama (the second call to prayer), saying the du’a (the supplication) of istiftah (the opening), seeking refuge from Satan, reciting the basmala (the phrase “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”), saying “Ameen” after the fatiha (the opening surah of the Quran), saying “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) when moving from one position to another, saying “Subhana Rabbiyal A’la” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High) in sujood (the prostration), saying “Rabbighfirli” (My Lord, forgive me) between the two sajdahs (prostrations), saying “Sami’Allahu liman hamidah” (Allah hears those who praise Him) when rising from ruku’ (the bowing), saying “Rabbana lakal hamd” (Our Lord, to You is the praise) after rising from ruku’, saying the tashahhud (the testimony of faith) in the sitting position, saying the salawat (the blessings) on the Prophet (peace be upon him) after the tashahhud, saying the du’a of qunut (the supplication of standing) in the witr prayer, saying the taslim (the salutation) to end the prayer, saying the du’a of istighfar (the supplication of seeking forgiveness) after the prayer, and saying the dhikr (the remembrance) and the du’a after the prayer. You can find these acts and supplications in the Quran, the hadith (the sayings and actions of the Prophet, peace be upon him), and the books of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence).
  13. How can I make up for the missed prayers in Ajman and what are the conditions and rulings for doing so? You can make up for the missed prayers in Ajman by performing them as soon as possible, preferably before the next prayer time, and by repenting to Allah and seeking His forgiveness. The conditions and rulings for making up the missed prayers are: you must have a valid excuse, such as forgetfulness, sleep, illness, or coercion, for missing the prayer; you must perform the missed prayers in the same order and number as they were missed; you must perform the missed prayers separately from the current prayers; you must perform the missed prayers with the same conditions and pillars as the regular prayers; and you must not delay the missed prayers without a valid reason, as this is a major sin.
  14. What are the voluntary prayers that I can perform in Ajman and what are the benefits and rewards of doing so? Some of the voluntary prayers that you can perform in Ajman are: the sunnah prayers that are performed before or after the obligatory prayers, such as two rakats before Fajr, four rakats before Dhuhr, two rakats after Dhuhr, two rakats after Maghrib, and two rakats after Isha; the duha prayer that is performed in the forenoon, preferably between four and twelve rakats

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