maghrib time dubai
maghrib time dubai

Maghrib Prayer Time Dubai

1. What is the Maghrib prayer time in Dubai today? The Maghrib prayer time in Dubai for today is at 6:54 PM.

2. How can I find the prayer times for Dubai in the Khaleej Times? You can visit the official Khaleej Times website or check their published newspaper for the prayer times in Dubai.

3. What is the difference in Maghrib time for Hanafi and other Islamic schools of thought in Dubai? The Maghrib time for Hanafi and other schools of thought in Dubai is generally the same, as it is determined by the sunset.

4. What is today’s Maghrib time in Sharjah? Today’s Maghrib time in Sharjah is at 6:52 PM.

5. When is the Jummah prayer time in Dubai? The Jummah prayer time in Dubai is typically around 1:15 PM.

6. How can I find the prayer times for Sharjah? Prayer times for Sharjah can be found on various Islamic websites or local mosque notice boards.

7. What is the Maghrib prayer time in Abu Dhabi? The Maghrib prayer time in Abu Dhabi for today is at 6:57 PM.

8. What is the Isha prayer time in Dubai? The Isha prayer time in Dubai for today is at 8:24 PM.

9. Are the prayer times in Dubai and Sharjah the same? Prayer times in Dubai and Sharjah may differ slightly due to their geographical location.

10. Can I get the prayer times sent to my phone? Yes, there are various mobile applications that can send you daily prayer times notifications.

11. Is there a grace period for praying Maghrib? Yes, there is a short period after the Maghrib time starts during which the prayer can be performed.

12. How long after the Maghrib time starts can I pray? It is best to pray Maghrib as soon as possible after the time starts, but it can be prayed until the Isha time begins.

13. Does daylight saving time affect prayer times in Dubai? Daylight saving time is not observed in Dubai, so it does not affect prayer times.

14. How are prayer times calculated in Dubai? Prayer times in Dubai are calculated based on the position of the sun.

15. Can I pray Isha early if I am traveling? Yes, travelers have certain concessions, and combining prayers like Maghrib and Isha is permissible in some cases.

16. What should I do if I miss the Maghrib prayer time? If you miss the Maghrib prayer time, you should perform the prayer as soon as you remember.

17. Is the Maghrib prayer time the same throughout the year in Dubai? No, the Maghrib prayer time changes throughout the year due to the changing position of the sun.

18. How can I ensure I don’t miss the Maghrib prayer? You can set alarms or use prayer time reminder apps to ensure you don’t miss the Maghrib prayer.

19. Are there any mosques in Dubai that offer lectures before Maghrib? Many mosques in Dubai offer lectures and Quran recitation sessions before the Maghrib prayer.

20. How can I find the nearest mosque for Maghrib prayer in Dubai? You can use mosque finder features in prayer time apps or search online for mosques near your location in Dubai.

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