prayer time abu dhabi
prayer time abu dhabi

Prayer Time Abu Dhabi

1. What is the Fajr prayer time today? The Fajr prayer time today starts at 04:38 AM.

2. When does the Dhuhr prayer begin? The Dhuhr prayer begins at 12:27 PM.

3. What time is the Asr prayer? The Asr prayer time is at 03:55 PM.

4. Can you tell me the Maghrib prayer time? Yes, the Maghrib prayer time is at 06:53 PM.

5. When should I perform the Isha prayer? The Isha prayer should be performed at 08:23 PM.

6. Is there a specific time for Juma prayers in Abu Dhabi? Juma prayers typically take place at 01:15 PM.

7. How can I find the prayer times for Dubai? You can find the prayer times for Dubai by visiting the official prayer time schedule websites or using a prayer time app.

8. Where can I get the prayer times for the whole year? Annual prayer time schedules are available on official religious authority websites and in printed prayer time calendars.

9. What is the method used for calculating prayer times in Abu Dhabi? The Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah method is commonly used for calculating prayer times in Abu Dhabi.

10. Can you provide the prayer times for Mussafah? Certainly, the prayer times for Mussafah are similar to those in Abu Dhabi, with minor differences due to geographical location.

11. Are the prayer times different during Ramadan? Yes, during Ramadan, the Isha and Fajr times may be adjusted to accommodate special prayers like Taraweeh.

12. How early can I perform the Fajr prayer? The Fajr prayer can be performed any time after the beginning time until sunrise.

13. Is there a grace period for performing the Dhuhr prayer? Yes, the Dhuhr prayer can be performed until the Asr prayer time starts.

14. What if I miss the Asr prayer time? If you miss the Asr prayer time, you should perform it as soon as possible before Maghrib.

15. How late can the Isha prayer be performed? The Isha prayer can be performed until midnight, which is halfway between Maghrib and Fajr.

16. Are prayer times the same across all of Abu Dhabi? Prayer times may vary slightly across different areas of Abu Dhabi due to geographical differences.

17. Can I use a mobile app for prayer time notifications? Yes, there are many mobile apps available that provide prayer time notifications based on your location.

18. What is the phone number for the General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowments in Abu Dhabi? The phone number for the General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowments in Abu Dhabi is 800 AWQAF (29723).

19. How can I ensure I’m performing prayers at the correct time while traveling? You can ensure correct prayer times while traveling by using a reliable prayer time app or website that adjusts times based on your current location.

20. Are there any special prayers or times I should be aware of during Islamic holidays? During Islamic holidays, there may be additional prayers or changes to regular prayer times, which will be announced by local religious authorities.

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